Fatal Error During Installation Windows Xp Sp2
TroubleshootingI was trying to install WSUS 30 SP2, in preparation of SUP install in my SCCM 2012 SP1 for which WSUS is a prerequisite as some of you admins especially SCCM folks aware of. Installkept failing, whatever method I chose to install, either thru Server Manager Add roles /features or downloaded setup executable WSUS30-KB972455-SP2-x64.exe. Install gets kicked of and accepts all of your selections and throws above error which we don’t likemuch as it doesn’t reveal needed info to solve the problem.Actions Required to find related informationNow, the hunt began for more info, precisely the location of log files to find more details of failure.
Found the error here: - they say that you can just ignore it and continue the installation.Description:When installing InstallShield 11.5 (English version) on a non-English version of Windows XP SP2 you get the following error message:Error 1931: The windows Installer Service cannot update the system file C:Windows.xpsp2res.dll because the file is protected by Windows. You may need to update your operating system for this program to work correctly.Cause:The file xpsp2res.dll contains localized resources (strings and the like) for Windows XP SP 2.
Skype Fatal Error During Installation Windows Xp Sp2
Fatal Error During Installation Windows Xp Sp2
The version of this file in the IS 11.5 setup is 5.1.2600.2180 which is the same version as the file in XP SP2. However the language in the setup is 1033 (English) while the language of the existing file depends on the language version of Windows. Therefore Windows Installer tries to replace the existing file, according to its file versioning rules, but Windows File Protection prevents this.Workaround:This is a non-fatal error message. You can ignore it and continue the installation.Site Admin Posts: 2877 Joined: Mon Feb 06, 2006 6:22 pm.